Contact Numbers
- +92-091-9214131, 9212897, 9213563, 9213750
Dealing Assistant’s Department | |
Phone: +92-091-9214131, 9212897, 9213563, 9213750 | Extension# |
Irrigation. | 179 |
Public Health Engineering. | |
Communication & Works. | |
Inter Provincial Co-ordination. | |
Electric Inspectorate + Energy & Power. | |
Governor Inspection Team | |
Provincial Inspection Team | |
Finance | |
All Male/ Female posts (BPS-18 and above) in H.E.D + DG Commerce. | 179 |
Local Govt: & Rural Development. | |
Mines and Mineral Development. | |
Transport. | |
Zakat & Usher, Auqaf | |
Population Welfare. | |
All management cadre posts of Elementary & Secondary Education. | 184 |
Health Section (All posts of BPS-17 and below). | 110 |
Industries & Manpower. | 197 |
Food Department. | |
Board of Revenue + Land Record | |
Labour | |
Printing Press & Stationery. | |
Science & Technology & Information | |
Service Tribunal | |
Housing | |
Planning & Development + Statistics Directorate. | |
All posts of Male Lecturer (BPS-17) & all posts of (BPS-17) and below in HED/ Commerce | 136 |
All Female Lecturer Posts (BPS-17) in HED + Commerce Colleges | 209 |
Health Section (All posts of BPS-18 and above) | 129 |
Home & Tribal +Prison + Directorate of Reclamation + Police + Prosecution + Provincial Public Safety & Police complaint Commission. | 197 |
Law Department. | |
Establishment + Anti-Corruption. | |
Directorate of Civil Defense. | |
Information. | |
Public Service Commission. | |
Excise & Taxation | |
Sports, Archeology & Museum, Tourism. | 197 |
Environment + Forest + Wildlife + EPA | |
Agriculture, Livestock, & Co-Operative + Fisheries | |
Female S.S, and all other teaching cadre posts in B-14 to B-17 in E&SED. | 205 |
Male S.S, E&SED. | |
Provincial Planning Services (PPS) | 192 |
Tehsildar/ Naib Tehsildar | |
Excise & Taxation Inspector | |
Provincial Management Service (PMS) | 177 |
Civil Judge | |
Member of Service | |
Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Police Department | 203 |
Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) Traffic Warden | |
AD-IT (Website + Online Apply) | 105 |
AD-IT (Networks) | 130 |
AD-IT (General) | 104 |
AD-IT (PMDU+RTI+Ikhtiar) | 111 |
Admin Branch | 121 |
Diary Section | 226 |
Dispatch Section | 118 |
Asstt/Clerk (Accounts) | 178 |